Your #1 B2B Collection Solution
Rockpile works with commercial landlords on defaulted lease obligations. This has become a significant issue for our commercial landlord clients today. We review the original lease applications and supporting financials, lease payment history and any guarantees in an effort to identify paths to prospective damage recoveries. In many cases, after a default, the tenant strips the assets out of the company and moves on leaving the defaulted lease obligation stuck behind. We have successfully prosecuted “alter ego and fraudulent transfer” actions against subsequent businesses in order to obtain recoveries.

Rockpile works with lenders on secured/unsecured defaulted loan obligations. These obligations are usually subordinated to some form of institutional financing. Our professionals have extensive professional experience in the field of Trouble Debt Restructuring (TDR) both inside and outside of the bankruptcy process. This experience allows them to navigate the process and develop creative collection solutions well outside the resources of a typical collection agency or collection law firm.
Rockpile has a robust practice in the collection of significant AR balances. We focus on amounts of $100,000 and greater. Our active clients in this area are generally lawyers, accountants, engineers, architects and other business professionals that charge hourly for their work. For our lawyer clients we usually take an assignment of their AR that is at least twelve months old. In California, this puts the claim outside of any prospective malpractice claim defense strategies debtors like to employ. We also can provide at no obligation a “Written-Off AR Audit”. In many cases we can provide an audit of your prior written-off AR (up to four years old). This has resulted in substantial recoveries for clients and is “found money” for many businesses.

Judgement Recovery
Rockpile is a specialist in the recovery of final Federal, State, District, Family court judgments. We have proprietary methods, databases and investigative tools and personnel to search for assets to which we can lien and force payment. In many cases we have to prosecute fraudulent transfer and alter ego actions which the debtor undertook in order to shield their assets from the judgment. This can involve multiple shell corporations, offshore trusts and transfers to friends and family members. Rockpile is persistent in its pursuit of assets in these cases even over multiple years and extensive legal expenses.
Special Situations
Rockpiles team of specialists will consider other complex debt recovery opportunities where we think our special skills and training can develop a custom strategy and implementation process to yield a significant recovery.